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Website Privacy

We make the following assurances of privacy for visitors to our website:
The Piedmont Orthopedics | OrthoAtlanta web site is designed to provide useful information about our program and to connect users with physicians, facilities and services within Piedmont Orthopedics | OrthoAtlanta. Our web site does not promote or sell products of any kind. We do hope that the information provided encourages the visitor to consider using the Piedmont Orthopedics | OrthoAtlanta network for medical care, or that visitors might decide to join our organization as an employee.

We keep track of visits to our web site via an automatic monitoring program that tells us, among other things, how many visits are made to the site; the time of day and date of those visits; and the areas visited on the website. This information is used to evaluate the effectiveness of our site and the effectiveness of any promotion of our site. It helps us answer questions such as these: Are we providing information on our website that is useful? Which information is most useful? How have we made you aware that our website exists? The monitoring program does not provide us with any personal information about a visitor. We cannot discern the name, address or any other personal information about visitors to our site. If we wish to gather such personal information, it will be requested via a form on the site that the user voluntarily completes and submits. The form will describe the way in which the information will be used.

Who Funds our Website
The Piedmont Orthopedics | OrthoAtlanta web site is funded entirely by the operating income of the Piedmont Orthopedics | OrthoAtlanta network. We accept no outside funding for the creation or maintenance of our website, nor do we accept advertising income in exchange for promotion of any product or service via our website.

Who Oversees our Website
The information on our website is managed by the Piedmont Orthopedics | OrthoAtlanta Marketing Department. Questions, concerns or suggestions can be directed to: Piedmont Orthopedics | OrthoAtlanta Marketing Department at 678-996-7230 x6040. Comments or questions will be routed to the appropriate individual within the organization. You can also contact us via U.S. mail or telephone via the IntraHealth Group.

Our Health Information
All health-related information provided via our site is intended to educate and inform visitors about illnesses and conditions and ways to maintain optimum health. It is not intended to diagnose personal physical conditions and is not a substitute for consulting with one’s own personal health care provider.

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