Ashna Parti, D.O.
Interventional Pain Management Fellowship
- Biography
- Education
- Memberships & Recognition
- Community Involvement
- Hospital Affiliations
- Patient Reviews
Ashna Parti, D.O. provides care to patients at our Covington location. She is a Physiatrist who is board certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. She holds a subspecialty in pain management. She is an American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Fellow. Dr. Parti provides nonsurgical orthopedic care to patients utilizing her training in nonsurgical management of musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and sports-related injuries. Her practice includes nonsurgical orthopedic medicine, interventional spinal injections, electrodiagnostic medicine, and physical medicine. Dr. Parti has a special interest in Spinal Cord Stimulation and stays on the leading edge in innovation in non-invasive and minimally invasive spinal treatments.
Areas of Interest
- Pain Management
- Nonsurgical Orthopedic care
- Non-surgical Spine
- Spinal Injections
- Electrodiagnostic Medicine
- Kyphoplasty
- Work Injuries
Board Certification
- American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

- Fellowship: Georgia Pain Physicians, Atlanta, GA, 2007, Interventional Pain Fellowship
- Residency: UCLA West Los Angeles VA Multi-campus, Los Angeles, California, 2004, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency
- Medical Degree: University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, Texas, 2000, D.O.
- Undergraduate Degree: Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 1995, Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry
Memberships & Recognition
Professional Memberships
- American Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Graber MN, Parti A. Pain Management in the Emergency Department. In: David S, Brown, A, Nelson B, Banerjee, A, Anantharaman V, editors. The Textbook of Emergency Medicine. Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins; 2011
- Fish DE, Lee PC, Parti A, Pham Q. Evaluating correlation of two pain scales in spinal procedures. Fed Pract. 2010;27(5):24-28.
- Parti, A. (2003) The Use of Visual Analogue Scales and Verbal Rating Scales for the Assessment of Spinal Procedures in Chronic Pain Patients. Poster presentation at 2003 Academy of Academic Physiatrists and UCLA/WLAVA PM&R Annual Research Symposium
- Parti, A. (1995) DNA Typing in Chimpanzees. Poster Presentation at 1995 McGavock Undergraduate Chemical Research Symposium.
- Parti, A. (1994) Analysis of VNTR Allele Frequencies in Pan Troglodytes. Poster presentation at PEW Midstates Science and Mathematics Consortium Undergraduate Research in Biological Sciences.
- Parti, A. (1994) VNTR Allele Frequencies in Pan Troglodytes Using Non-Isotopic Techniques. Poster presentation at Trinity University Ninth Annual Summer Research Conference.
Community Involvement
In her spare time, Dr. Parti does volunteer work with children with disabilities. She enjoys traveling, exercising, and spending time with her family.