Understanding the ABCs of Knee Pain

At OrthoAtlanta, we promptly diagnose and treat orthopedic problems. We also specialize in sports medicine and are one of the largest physician-owned orthopedic and sports medicine practices in the area. OrthoAtlanta has 14 offices across the greater Atlanta area, with 37 surgeons and physiatrists and a team of physical therapists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and staff that is dedicated to helping patients live their lives the way they want to while maintaining their health and strength. From surgery to physical therapy, we pride ourselves on providing individualized care. It's important to know when you should consult an orthopedic physician for your pain. Let's break down the ABCs of knee pain, a common reason that patients come to see us.
What You Should Know about Knee Pain
There are several common causes of knee pain:
- Injury – We treat many patients who have injured their knees, from professional athletes to the weekend warrior. The knee joint is made up of bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Injury to any of these parts can result in knee pain and loss of range of motion or stability.
- Osteoarthritis – This kind of arthritis is caused by the wear and tear that use puts on a joint. Osteoarthritis causes swelling and pain in the knee during activity and is the most common type of knee pain in people over the age of 50.
- Patellar Tendinitis – This is caused when you have inflammation in the tendon that connects your kneecap to the shinbone.
- Bursitis – There is a little sac that holds fluid under the skin above your joint called a bursa. The bursa on top of your kneecap can become irritated with repeated bending and kneeling and start to cause knee pain and swelling.
What You Should Do about Knee Pain
If you start experiencing knee pain, here are some things you can try at home to relieve the pain and promote healing. If you've experienced a serious injury or if these tips don't help after a few days, it's time to consult an orthopedic physician.
- Protect your knee from any further injury by avoiding strenuous activities, or by wearing a knee brace.
- Give your knee a rest. If you are highly active, take some time off and allow your knee to repair itself.
- Ice your knee for short periods of time to reduce swelling and inflammation.
- Use compression around your knee joint.
- Elevate your knee to help relieve pain and prevent further swelling.
A good way to remember what to do to treat knee pain at home is to think of the word RICE: rest, ice, compress, elevate. If you've tried to relieve your knee pain at home but it is getting worse, or if you've experienced an obvious knee injury, contact OrthoAtlanta by visiting www.orthoatlanta.com or call the office nearest you to schedule an appointment.