The Connection between Weight Gain and Knee Replacement

When it comes to knee replacement and weight, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that, compared to hip replacements, knee replacement patients are more likely to lose weight.
However, the statistics are still not as promising as this news might suggest. In fact, in a 2010 study by the University of Delaware, the average person gained 14 pounds after a successful knee replacement surgery.
Obviously, when you opt for a total knee replacement in Atlanta, you're doing it because you want to live a healthier and better life. So, why do so many people not get the result they wanted? Here are a few of the reasons.
Old Habits Die Hard
So, you've had your knee replaced and you're ready to get out and to put it to good use, right? Actually, for many people, the answer is no. Just because they've had their knee replaced doesn't mean that they're going to get back to the way they were before they had knee issues. That’s especially true in the case of someone who has had knee problems for years. The reality is that the mind plays a large role in your recovery, and, if you have it in your head you're not going to be able to do something because of pain, you're not going to allow yourself to do it, even if you know deep down there will be no pain.
The solution here is to gradually build yourself up to exercising. When you receive the initial approval from your physician to begin exercising, start small, with something as simple as a walk for as long as you can. From there, try to be a little better than yesterday, every day, until you find that you are as active as you hoped you'd be. Remember, there is nothing wrong with taking your time to get the body you want to have! If at any point you start to have pain in your knee, back off on the exercise and reach out to your orthopedic physician.
Portion Control
Portion control at meal time is something most Americans struggle with. Plate size, and portion size, are getting bigger and bigger because nobody wants to spend their hard-earned money and get something they don't feel is a good value. At home, it's the same idea. People don't like seeing empty space on their plate.

What’s the answer here? One option is to opt for smaller plates and bowls. If you use a smaller plate, a meal that looks small on a bigger plate will look like it's the right size. Ideally, what you want to do is trick your brain into thinking you're eating plenty when really, you’re cutting back.
Make Calories Count
Virtually everything has calories in it. Calories are essential for living, but there are ways to make your calories work for you and not against you. The way to do this is to think about where your calories come from. If they're coming from complex carbohydrates, like wheat and pasta, or from lean protein, that's pretty good. If they're from sugar or the wrong kinds of fats, that's a problem. Basically, your goal should be to maximize the nutrients you get from your calories. Do that, and you'll improve your health.
Getting a knee replaced is major surgery that should allow you to live your best life. The way that happens is when you make your total knee replacement in Atlanta work for you by taking care of your knee and your body following the surgery. A knee replacement can be a new lease on life—if you allow it to work that way!
When you need a knee replacement specialist in Atlanta, visit the team at OrthoAtlanta. Visit or call 770-953-6929 today to schedule an appointment.