Returning to Work Following a Knee Replacement

Are you thinking about returning to work following a knee replacement? As long as you have a positive recovery, as is the case for most knee replacement patients, you should have no issue returning to your workplace. However, there are a few steps you’ll want to take, such as getting the okay from your doctor and speaking to your boss about returning to work. To get back to the office, here’s a short guide to follow!
Get a Health Checkup from Your Doctor
Depending on your workplace, you might need written approval to return to work following a knee replacement. This simply ensures that you’re well enough on your feet, and your health is in good enough condition to be at work. To get this approval, you should get a complete health checkup from your primary care doctor. They will review your health and either recommend what steps you need to take to return to work or give you written consent that you can pass off to human resources.
If you aren’t approved, don’t worry! You might need some more sessions with your physical therapist to ensure you’re ready to return to the workplace.
Continue Seeing Your Physical Therapist
Even if you’re well enough on your feet, your doctor might recommend you continue seeing a physical therapist. You shouldn’t take this personally; it’s merely to ensure your knee replacement is working as it should and you’re competent on your feet, even after returning to the workplace. Also, if any problems arise, you can work them through with a qualified professional to ensure you don’t need to work on a more extensive treatment plan with your orthopedic specialist.
Talk to Your Boss about Returning to Work
Once you’ve gotten written approval from your doctor to return to work, you should speak to your boss. Make sure it’s the right time to return to the workplace and catch up on any new policies you missed out on. This might also be an excellent time to get to know any new team members you’ll be working with.
You should have your written approval from your doctor to hand in to human resources as well, and your boss might want to know what steps you’re taking to maintain your knee replacement.
Mentally Prepare Yourself for the Workplace
One of the hardest parts of returning to work following a knee replacement is getting mentally prepared. Depending on your surgery, you might have been out of work for a few weeks or months.
There are a few things you need to consider for returning to work following knee replacement in Atlanta, from getting approval from your primary care doctor to speaking to your boss about returning to your job. To learn more about how a knee replacement can affect your work-life, contact Piedmont Orthopedics | OrthoAtlanta at 770-953-6929.