OrthoAtlanta Stockbridge Arthritis Walk Support Brings Sweet Success

OrthoAtlanta Stockbridge orthopedic surgeons, Timothy Ghattas, MD, and Todd Schmidt, MD, raise funds for Arthritis Foundation Georgia.
ATLANTA, GA, MAY 31, 2017 –
Success is sweet -- just ask the physicians and staff at OrthoAtlanta in Stockbridge, Georgia, who recently broke their own company fundraising record with contributions to the annual Arthritis Foundation of Georgia Walk to Cure Arthritis. Their efforts raised awareness and funds for arthritis, the #1 cause of disability in the United States. Add in a few pies, and success was even sweeter.
The annual Atlanta Walk to Cure Arthritis is a top charitable event for OrthoAtlanta, the second largest orthopedic and sports medicine practice in Atlanta. With thirteen offices across the metropolitan area, including Stockbridge, Newnan, Fayetteville, and new Peachtree City, each OrthoAtlanta office raises funds at the local level, combined into a group donation to the Arthritis Foundation of Georgia.
In spirited competition extending into the community including Clayton State University Athletics, the OrthoAtlanta Stockbridge office donated nearly $6,000 to the 2017 Atlanta Walk to Cure Arthritis, achieving bragging rights as the second highest Fundraiser for the entire Atlanta metropolitan area. Company-wide, the combined OrthoAtlanta donation of nearly $15,700 more than doubled its 2016 contribution and secured OrthoAtlanta recognition as the third highest group donation and top company donation for the 2017 Walk, the signature event of the Arthritis Foundation.
The most popular fundraising effort initiated by the Stockbridge team, an infamous Pie in the Face promotion, clearly caught the attention of the community. Contest entrant, OrthoAtlanta orthopedic surgeon, Todd A. Schmidt, MD, well known throughout the Stockbridge area for his outstanding sports medicine, joint preservation and reconstruction skills, particularly resonated with folks who know they can now lift, stretch, run and throw with much less pain because of his care. As word spread that Dr. Schmidt was indeed a true “Champion of YES!” for Arthritis along with his six physician colleagues at the Stockbridge office, donations rolled in.
Asked about facing a pie in the face, Dr. Schmidt explained it simply, “OrthoAtlanta physicians and staff treat thousands of patients each year who are suffering from some form of painful arthritis. Treatments range from non-surgical to surgical, including joint repair and joint replacement, known as arthroplasty. We are pleased that this year’s pie event brought awareness of this dreaded disease and to the excellent work done by the Arthritis Foundation as they seek to conquer arthritis with research, training, advocacy and more.”
Dr. Schmidt could not resist adding, “Of course, promising my favorite, Georgia peach pie, sweetened the deal.”
At the same time, the Pie in the Face Challenge to Cure Arthritis caught on quickly with Clayton State University Athletics. Timothy Ghattas, MD, orthopedic surgeon at OrthoAtlanta Stockbridge, also serves as the Team Physician for Clayton State University Athletics. When asked if CSU was open to participating in the challenge to raise awareness and funds for arthritis, the answer was almost immediate. Four members of Clayton State Athletics, including Director of Athletics Tim Duncan, and the university president, Dr. Thomas “Tim” Hynes, Jr., gladly accepted, much to the delight of the Clayton State student body!
The 2017 Atlanta Walk to Cure Arthritis was held on May 6, raising $300,000 from teams across the metropolitan area. Commenting on the creative and spirited efforts led by the OrthoAtlanta Stockbridge office and the Clayton State University Athletics team, Jamie Johnson, Senior Executive Director, Southeast, Arthritis Foundation Georgia stated, “Arthritis knows no bounds. It impacts the very young, to the very old; it afflicts college athletes and sports professionals in the prime of their careers. We are appreciative of each chance we have to generate awareness of arthritis and the benefits that the Arthritis Foundation can bring to those suffering from the disease.” Donations for the 2017 Atlanta Walk to Cure Arthritis are being accepted through June 1, 2017 at www.walktocurearthritis.org/atlanta
OrthoAtlanta Stockbridge is located at 1240 Eagles Landing Parkway, Suite 300, in Stockbridge, Georgia, and serves existing patients and accepts new patients with orthopedic and sports medicine needs ranging from sprains, strains and fractures, workers’ compensation injuries, to the most complex total joint preservation, reconstruction or replacement and both non-surgical and surgical spine needs. One stop orthopedic care includes onsite MRI Imaging and Physical Therapy. Appointments may be requested by calling 770-506-4350, or via the OrthoAtlanta website, www.orthoatlanta.com.
This story is also viewable at Pie-in-the-Face promotion raises funds for Arthritis Foundation, Clayton News-Daily.
For additional information, please contact Pat Prosser, Public Relations Manager, at OrthoAtlanta, 678-996-7254, or via email pprosser@OrthoAtlanta.com.

OrthoAtlanta Stockbridge proudly came in first
in donations across all OrthoAtlanta offices during the 2017 Walk to Cure
Arthritis. Recognizing the team honor is marketing representative, Tracey Oeldrich.