OrthoAtlanta Sponsors Arthritis Foundation 2016 Atlanta Jingle Bell Run with Jonathan Mathers MD Physician Honoree

OrthoAtlanta orthopedics and sports medicine specialists is proud to support the Arthritis Foundation as a sponsor of the 2016 Atlanta Jingle Bell Run being held this Saturday, December 10 in midtown, Atlanta, Georgia. This year’s festivities begin at 7:30 a.m. in Centennial Olympic Park. OrthoAtlanta orthopedic surgeon, Jonathan Mathers, MD, specializing in sports medicine, serves as the 2016 Atlanta Jingle Bell Run physician honoree and will provide opening comments at the race start. OrthoAtlanta Piedmont and Piedmont West offices sponsor the Atlanta Jingle Bell Run, with OrthoAtlanta staff joining hundreds of racers and walkers participating in this year’s event.
The Arthritis Foundation Jingle Bell Run is long-celebrated as one of the largest and most spirited holiday fun runs in the country with hundreds of races held across the nation each December. Funds raised benefit the Arthritis Foundation in its mission to educate, advocate and find better treatments and a cure for arthritis and related diseases. The Atlanta Jingle Bell Run is ranked in the Top 10 Jingle Bell Runs nationally, and is well on its way to exceeding its $150,000 race goal in 2016. Runners adorn themselves, their children, and even family dogs in holiday attire, transforming the streets of Atlanta with hundreds of festive elves, Santas, and the melodic sounds of jingle bells as participants run, walk and pad their way to the finish line of this 5K race, also a Peachtree Road Race qualifier! A great family event, the day also includes live entertainment and a chance to meet Santa.
OrthoAtlanta orthopedic surgeon, Jonathan Mathers, MD, is honored to serve as the 2016 Atlanta Jingle Bell Run physician honoree. Dr. Mathers, together with this year’s Atlanta Jingle Bell Run adult honoree Erika Mitchell and youth honoree Haley Mapp, race co-chairs Sharon Cook and Matt Mooney, Arthritis Foundation’s Jamie Johnson, and many members of the Atlanta chapter of the Arthritis Foundation will welcome this year’s Atlanta Jingle Bell Run participants prior to race start.
“The medical community is on the front line in the battle against arthritis,” stated Dr. Mathers. “By raising funds and participating in the Atlanta Jingle Bell Run, we are helping the Arthritis Foundation chart a course for people with arthritis, helping to take another step toward a cure and achieve another victory for people living with arthritis through research, advocacy, and more.” As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine, Dr. Mathers sees the debilitation caused by arthritis and treats arthritis sufferers with care, compassion and expertise.
Dr. Mathers serves patients at OrthoAtlanta’s Piedmont West office, located at the intersection of I-75 and Howell Mill Road in the Piedmont West Medical Office building.
Learn more by viewing the complete press release for OrthoAtlanta Sponsors Arthritis Foundation 2016 Atlanta Jingle Bell Run with Jonathan Mathers, MD, as physician honoree.
To make a donation to the Arthritis Foundation 2016 Jingle Bell Run, please go to the OrthoAtlanta Elves team page.
View physician profile for Dr. Jonathan Mathers.

Pictured Above: 2016 Atlanta Jingle Bell Run for
Arthritis, (left to right) OrthoAtlanta Jonathan Mather, MD, physician honoree;
Haley Mapp, youth honoree; Sharon Cook, co-chairperson; Matt Mooney,
co-chairperson, Erika Mitchell, adult honoree; and Jamie Johnson, Arthritis