Common Orthopedic Injuries from Falling

Everyone experiences some pretty bad falls over their lifetimes. While a fall can be embarrassing, it can also cause serious injury. 2.5 million older Americans are treated for injuries related to falls every year, and you don't have to be elderly to become a victim. During the winter time, in particular, people have to navigate icy roads and sidewalks, putting them at increased risk of injury. You may want to consider seeing an orthopedic specialist in Atlanta if you've experienced any of these injuries from falling.
Knee Pain
It's common to land on your knee or twist your knee during a fall. The most frequently occurring knee injuries are fractures and dislocations. One of the most complicated joints in the body, a fracture can occur in several places among the bones in the knee. If you notice swelling and have difficulty moving your knee, you may be suffering a ligament tear, such as a tear to your ACL.
Shoulder Injuries
The most mobile joints in the body, shoulders are also among the most prone to injury. A particularly nasty fall can result in shoulder dislocation or separation, as well as fractures and tears in the rotator cuff. A small fracture can result in a crack in the shoulder bones that can cause redness, bruising, and severe pain. Symptoms of a rotator cuff tear include pain and decreased strength and range of motion.
Hip Pain
Among the most serious injuries, especially for the elderly, hip injuries can frequently result from bad falls. Common injuries include broken bones, hip dislocation and labral tears. A dislocation occurs when the head of the femur slips out of the hip socket, causing extreme pain. Furthermore, pain in your groin, buttocks, or thigh can also be an indication of a hip injury.

Wrist Injuries
It's a natural reaction to reach out with your hand to catch yourself during a fall. In such instances, it's unlikely your wrist is ready for the impact, and a wrist injury can result. If your hand is bent backwards toward your forearm, small tears can result. If you experience severe pain and swelling, you may be suffering from a broken wrist as well.
Elbow Injuries
Much like wrists, people often brace a fall by landing directly on their elbow. If the fall is severe enough, this can result in a fracture or dislocation. If there's a separation, or if the fragments within a broken elbow move too far apart, you could suffer a permanent restriction in the joint's movement if you don't seek help quickly enough.
As painful as a fall may be, many people choose to ignore the pain that results, hoping it will go away. To prevent permanent damage, however, if you have any doubt, it's best to see your orthopedic surgeon in Atlanta.