Arthritis Pain and Weather: Any Connection?

Changes in the weather can be difficult for many individuals who suffer from arthritis. The weather has a high impact on how your joints feel and function. Studies have shown that there is a connection between arthritis pain and the weather.
Weather Conditions That Are the Worst
Based on a general consensus, it has been determined that wet and cold weather are the worst for triggering arthritis pain. After the weather settles in, your pain evens out. In a study of people with osteoarthritis, it was found that there's a substantial connection between temperature, humidity, and joint pain. In a study of people with rheumatoid arthritis, it was found that swollen joints and pain were lower when the days were dry and sunny.
Why Cold Rain Triggers Pain
The exact reason why changes in weather trigger pain haven't been determined. There are a few theories as to why this occurs. Some of the elevated pain stems from decreased activity. When the weather is undesirable, people have the tendency to remain inside. Another theory is changes in barometric pressure can result in contraction and expansion of the muscles, bones, and tendons. Low temperatures can increase the thickness of joint fluids, which cause them to be stiffer and more sensitive to pain while moving.
Managing Weather Aches
You may experience arthritis pain regardless of the weather conditions. It’s critical that you remain well-hydrated, particularly if the weather is humid or rainy so that you can keep your joints lubricated. Swimming is an excellent exercise if you suffer from arthritis. It helps to loosen painful joints, even in unsavory weather conditions. You can join a water therapy program or swim in an indoor pool. Swimming can have a huge impact on the range of motion of your joints. If you’re in need of immediate relief, then over-the-counter creams can aid in relieving some of the pain. If you suffer from weather-related arthritis, it’s best to contact your doctor for over-the-counter treatment options.
When You Need Knee Replacement
Orthopedic knee replacement in Atlanta is one of the most frequent bone surgeries performed in the country. If you need surgery, you and your doctor will carefully make this decision. There are several reasons why you might get surgery, which includes severe pain and stiffness. Your knee is usually swollen, or you’ve tried physical therapy with no success.
Knee Cartilage Replacement
You can avoid a full knee replacement with a knee cartilage replacement in Atlanta. There are surgical methods that utilize your cartilage cells. They are cloned, reproduced in a lab, and reinserted into your body. Often, cartilage replacement methods are for individuals who have mild areas of cartilage damage, which are usually caused by traumatic or sports injuries.
What to Expect
When knee replacement surgery in Atlanta is recommended to treat arthritis, your surgeon will obtain your health history and conduct a physical exam which includes blood tests and X-rays. The X-rays will be used to determine the extent of the damage inside of your knee. You must tell your doctor the medications you are taking, especially if you’re taking aspirin or blood thinners.
For more information, give the experts at OrthoAtlanta a call.