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Health Tip: Diet Myths and Facts

(HealthDay News) -- Navigating weight loss information can be daunting. Many popular beliefs are only partly true, MedlinePlus says.

MedlinePlus debunked a few common myths:

MYTH: "No-fat" or "low-fat" foods help you lose weight.

FACT: Many no-fat and low-fat foods have added sugar and salt, and more calories.

MYTH: Fasting will help you lose weight quickly.

FACT: Fasting is not usually healthy. People who fast tend to lose more muscle than fat.

MYTH: Slow weight loss is the only proven weight loss method.

FACT: There are many options out there. Be careful and avoid fad diets that are unsafe and promise unrealistic results.

Talk to a dietician to see what is best for you and your goals.

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