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Health Tip: Avoid the Appearance of Aging

(HealthDay News) -- There's little you can do about wrinkles appearing -- they're a natural part of the aging process.

That doesn't mean you can't take steps to avoid becoming too wrinkled, the American Academy of Dermatology says.

Here's are the academy's suggestions:

  • Wear sunscreen daily and apply it to all skin that is not covered by clothing.
  • Do not tan from the sun or a tanning bed. Exposure to UV rays can accelerate aging, leading to wrinkles, age spots, a blotchy complexion and skin cancer.
  • Use a moisturizer.
  • Test makeup and skin care products to determine if you will have a reaction.
  • Use such products as directed.
  • Stop using products that sting or burn unless prescribed by a dermatologist. Irritating the skin may make signs of aging more noticeable.
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