Home / Health News / Health Highlights, Nov. 23, 2020

Health Highlights, Nov. 23, 2020

By HealthDay Reporter

Some noteworthy news item compiled by HealthDay staff:

Donald Trump Jr. Has Coronavirus

Donald Trump Jr. has tested positive for the new coronavirus, and is the latest member of the president's familyto be infected with the virus.

Trump Jr. tested positive at the start of the week and has been "quarantining out at his cabin since the result," a spokesman told CBS News.

"He's been completely asymptomatic so far and is following all medically recommended COVID-19 guidelines," according to the spokesman.

Trump Jr. is the first of the president's adult children to test positive. His youngest child, Barron Trump, tested positive in October. The president was diagnosed with COVID-19 in early October and his wife Melania tested positive around the same time.

A number of White House aides and officials have tested positive, CBS News reported.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Was 'Desperate Ill' With COVID-19

U.S. Housing and Urban Development SecretaryBen Carson was "desperately ill" with COVID-19, he says in a Facebook post.

The 69-year-old member of the White House coronavirus task force tested positive for the virus last Monday.

He was among several who became infected after attending an election night event at the White House, CBS News reported.

In the Facebook post Friday, Carson noted that "I have several co-morbidities and after a brief period when I only experienced minor discomfort, the symptoms accelerated and I became desperately ill."

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