Home / Health News / Health Highlights, Nov. 18, 2020

Health Highlights, Nov. 18, 2020

By HealthDay Reporter

Below are newsworthy items compiled by HealthDay staff:

Two Major Airlines Offer Voluntary COVID-19 Testing for Passengers

British Airways and American Airlines are teaming up to offer voluntary COVID-19 testing for passengers flying to London's Heathrow Airport from New York, Los Angeles and Dallas.

The pilot program, which will start Nov. 25, is meant to convince the British government to repeal rules requiring most international travelers to quarantine for 14 days, the Associated Press reported.

Passenger tests will be done 72 hours before departure, on arrival at Heathrow and three days after arrival.

The objective is to prove that a single test 72 hours before takeoff is enough to ensure travelers aren't carrying COVID-19, according to British Airways, the AP reported.

Dolly Parton's $1 Million Donation Helped Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Research

Dolly Parton donated $1 million for research that has led to a promising COVID-19 vaccine from Moderna.

Preliminary results suggest that the vaccine is 94.5% effective against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, CBS News reported.

Parton's April donation was for research at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.

"I'm just happy that anything I do can help somebody else," she said during an interview Tuesday on the TODAY show, CBS News reported. "When I donated money to the COVID fund, I just wanted it to do good and evidently, it is. Let's just hope we find a cure real soon."

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