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Health Highlights: March 30, 2023​

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter

Pets could prevent food allergies in kids. Having a dog lowered the risk of egg, milk and nut allergies, while cats lowered the chances of egg, wheat and soybean allergies, new research shows. Read more

Migraines may follow daily circadian patterns. Your body's internal clock, and genes linked to its operation, appear to play a big role, study shows. Read more

Fatal drug ODs among seniors have quadrupled in 20 years. The increase in overdose deaths in this age group suggests a need for greater mental health and substance use programs for older adults. Read more

How round is your heart? It might matter for health. Researchers discovered that the rounder the heart, the more likely the person was to develop cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation or heart failure. Read more

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