Health Highlights: Feb. 15, 2019
Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay:
Trump's Annual Physical Shows Him to Be Obese But in Good Health
Details from President Donald Trump's annual physical exam show him to be obese but in "very good health."
The results released Thursday were based on a 4-hour examination supervised last Friday by physician to the president Dr. Sean Conley, CNN reported. Eleven specialists took part in the exam.
Last year the 72-year-old, 6-foot 3-inch Trump weighed 239 pounds, but in a year he has gained 4 pounds and is now 243 pounds. That puts him at a body mass index of 30.4, which crosses the 30 BMI clinical threshold for obesity.
"While BMI is not a perfect assessment of one's health, when someone is clinically obese and has other risk factors, that significantly raises the concern for having heart problems," CNN chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta explained.
Trump had already been diagnosed with heart disease and he has increased his dose of the cholesterol medicine rosuvastatin, the report said. The president's cholesterol levels showed a total cholesterol of 196 -- HDL of 58, and LDL of 122. Last year, his total cholesterol was 223 -- HDL cholesterol of 67, and LDL of 143, per Associated Press.
Trump's blood pressure numbers have risen slightly -- from 116/70 last year to 118/80 in last Friday's test.
He received two vaccinations common for older people: the Pneumovax 23 vaccine, which protects against pneumococcal diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia, and the Shingrix vaccine, which protects against shingles.
After last year's exam Trump was advised to lose 10 to 15 pounds through diet and exercise, but White House sources told CNN that he has only made minor lifestyle changes.
Trump's meals still rely heavily on red meat and fried potatoes, although fish is now a component of some meals. He has not embarked on any exercise regimen.
"The President received a diet and exercise plan last year after his annual physical, but the President admits he has not followed it religiously," Hogan Gidley, the principal deputy White House press secretary, told CNN.

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