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Health Highlights: Dec. 12, 2022​

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter

Gig economy could be harming workers' health. People whose work is piecemeal and sometimes depends on tips and commissions tend to be in poorer health than workers with more stable incomes, new research confirms. Read more

How climate change could bring more heart deaths. Temperature effects from very hot or cold days were especially evident for heart failure, but extreme weather also led to a rise in stroke, arrhythmia and ischemic heart disease, a new study found. Read more

Race, income could play role in outcomes after blood cancer. Three new studies showed patients fare better if they're white and wealthy. Read more

Calls for masking come back as hospitals fill up. Public health officials are revisiting the topic of indoor masking, as three highly contagious respiratory viruses take hold during the holiday season. Read more

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