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Health Highlights: Aug. 6, 2021

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter

Here's some of HealthDay's top stories for Friday, Aug. 6:

Biden Administration announces new push to get kids vaccinated as schools reopen. With a new school year beginning and the Delta variant upping COVID infection rates, the White House on Thursday outlined new plans to help get children 12 and over vaccinated. Read more

White House mulling tougher steps to get Americans vaccinated. The Biden Administration is considering stronger measures, including the withholding of federal funds, to get nursing homes, universities and other institutions to make vaccination necessary for work and study. Read more

Dirty air, higher dementia risk? Air pollution's damage to the heart and lungs is well-known, but new research suggest that breathing in smog might also harm the aging brain. Read more

In a world first, immunotherapy rids woman of lupus. It's proven a breakthrough treatment against certain cancers, and now CAR-T immunotherapy appears to have put a tough-to-treat case of lupus into remission in a 20-year-old woman, German researchers report. Read more

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