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Health Highlights: Aug. 3, 2021

By Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter

Here's some of HealthDay's top stories for Tuesday, Aug. 3:

When it comes to doctors, white coats matter. A new survey finds most patients still associate the traditional medical garb with experience and professionalism. Read more

Biden's vaccination goal finally reached. The plan was to get at least one dose of vaccine in the arms of 70% of American adults by July 4. A month later, the milestone is reached as the Delta variant fuels case surges around the country. Read more

Get your COVID news from Facebook? Odds are you haven't been vaccinated. A new survey finds Americans who turn to Facebook more often have much lower vaccination rates than the general population. Read more

Can text nudges boost vaccination rates? A new study found alerts about easy access to COVID vaccines did just that, even among people hesitant to get a shot. Read more

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