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Health Highlights: April 11, 2022

By Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter

Breakthrough CAR-T Therapy May Shrink Solid Tumors: An immune system-based treatment that has shown its mettle against blood cancers might prove useful in battling tumors, early trial data show. Read more

Could COVID Infection After 50 Leave You Vulnerable to Shingles? Researchers found those 50 and older who were infected with COVID were 15% more likely to develop shingles. That risk climbed to 21% in people hospitalized with a severe case of COVID. Read more

STDs May Be More Common Among High Schoolers Than Thought: Too few sexually active teens are getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), a new government report suggests. Read more

Could AI Spot Impending Cardiac Arrest Before Doctors Can? A new artificial intelligence approach can predict if and when heart disease patients might die of sudden cardiac arrest far more accurately than a doctor, and could improve survival rates, its developers claim. Read more

Older Kids More Vulnerable to MIS-C: Older children and teens are the most likely to experience severe cases of a rare inflammatory disorder that can occur in youngsters who've had COVID-19, a new study finds. Read more

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